Small Ruminant Value chain Project

Small Ruminant Value chain Project

Upscalling & Implemetation Details:

West Pokot Galla Goat Breeders’ Association received KES 7,885,252.65 in April 2020 to implement the Galla goat value chain project in West Pokot County. The project aims at upscaling the adoption of the Galla goat in West Pokot County and improving access to markets for Galla goat producers. The project targeted to reach 3,840 farmers in four Wards namely; Lomut, Batei, Sook and Alale in West Pokot County.

The project upscaled the small ruminant technologies through the group system approach. The project targeted a total of 190 farmer groups with 3,988 individuals in four sub-Counties. To take the technology closer to the producers, WPGGBA constructed four multiplication centres in each of the four target sub-Counties. The multiplication centres serve as field schools where producers learn Galla goat management practices.

The project enhanced the commercialization of the technologies along the value chain. It enabled easy access to inputs through eight agro-dealers who supply inputs to the multiplication centres and the producers. Pure Galla breeds are multiplied by the centres and sold to 48 farmer groups in each ward. The farmer groups reproduce better breeds after upgrading using the Galla breed. The project is supporting collective marketing in aggregation centres located close to the producers. Each of the 48 groups is projected to deliver 100 goats annually translating to 4,800 goats per annum.

The project targets to work with; Nasukuta Export Abattoir which has a projected capacity of 60,000 goats per annum and local slaughter slabs with about 15,600 goats per annum. The meat from the slaughterhouse will be marketed through supermarkets or sold directly to the local retail butcheries.