AgriFI CS APP Project Profile & Organizational Structure

About Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO)
The Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO), is the premier research organization, charged with the mandate of promoting, streamlining, coordinating, and regulating research in crops, livestock, genetic resources, and biotechnology in Kenya.
It is also mandated to expedite equitable access to research information, resources, and technology and to promote the application of the research findings and technology in the field of agriculture. In the execution of this mandate, KALRO is supported by a network of 16 research institutes and over 30 centers spread across the country. KALRO works directly with farmers, livestock keepers, the private sector, development partners, and other stakeholders involved in the agricultural research and development space. KALRO is also the lead applicant of the AgriFI Kenya CS APP.
About AgriFI Kenya Climate Smart Agricultural Productivity Project (AgriFI Kenya CS APP)
The AgriFI Kenya support to KALRO for Climate Smart Agricultural Productivity Project (AgriFI Kenya CS APP), is a five-year project under the AgriFI Development Programme implemented by KALRO. This project is co-funded by the European Union and Government of Kenya to the tune of EUR 6.5M.
This action seeks to support KALRO’s research on climate-smart agricultural technologies and promote the uptake of these technologies by adopting a Public-Private Partnership approach. The primary beneficiaries of this project are an estimated 500,000 smallholder farmers, pastoralists, and their groups. The target beneficiaries are occasional market players with the potential to become full players in the specific value chains. The project is implemented nationally.
Result area 1(a): New drought-resistant and more yielding climate smart technologies developed
Result area 1(b): Smallholder farmers adopt existing technologies developed by KALRO in value chains in Kenya to enhance production and value addition.
a. AgriFI Program Steering Committee
The CS APP reports to the overall Kenya AgriFI Steering Committee (AKSC). AKSC is chaired by the Cabinet Secretary Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development (MoALF) with membership drawn from MoALF, Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service (KEPHIS), Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA); Ministry of Forestry and Environment; Kenya National Farmers Federation (KENAFF) and Ministry of Industry and Trade.
All the four AgriFI components implementing organizations (Danish Embassy, Self Help Africa, KALRO and German Corporation for International Cooperation (GIZ)). The Delegation of the European Union to Kenya has observer status to the AKSC. AKSC provide oversight and guidance to the AgriFI implementing partners and meets biannually. KALRO Director-General and the Coordinator attend on behalf of the CS APP.

b. Project Implementation Committee (PIC)
A PIC chaired by the Director- General KALRO is made up of the PCU, one Deputy Director General, a representative of implementing partners (on rotating basis), representative of relevant local University, MoALF, AgriFI Focal Point (Coordinator), and Private sector representative. The EC Delegation and the National Treasury have representative(s) as observers. PIC provide oversight and guidance to the PCU in implementing the project. PIC meet once a year.
c.Project Coordination Unit
CS APP has a project coordination unit, which is responsible for the day to day operation of the project. The unit is lean with the following full time dedicated staff; i. National Project Coordinator ii. Agribusiness Officer iii. M & E Officer iv. Programme Accounts Manager v. Office manager/secretary vi. Driver At the institutional level, the National Project Coordinator reports to the KALRO Director General. The project draws support from the technical domain managers at KALRO. CS APP has hired officers with agribusiness and M & E expertise to support the project.

Oversight, Monitoring, Management Information and Reporting
Implementation: All project activities are planned, coordinated, overseen and monitored by the Project Coordination Unit (PCU) under Director-General KALRO and the guidance of the Steering committee. A detailed work plan, is prepared by the PCU and updated annually and follow the time frame outlined in the Project Work plan and Budget.
Up-scaling and out-scaling activities are implemented by partners through competitive Subgrantees contracts with KALRO. The partners include private sector, NGOs, CBOs, pastoralist and farmer organizations, and other value chain organizations in the project area.
Monitoring and knowledge sharing : Monitoring of project progress is carried out by the PCU and the KALRO management teams against indicators identified in the project logical framework.
An Annual Project Planning and Review (APR) Meeting is held each year where work plans are agreed upon among project implementers and partners. All implementing teams and partners submit quarterly progress reports to the PCU. The report includes a summary financial report. The EU Delegation staff in Kenya responsible for this project ensure adequate monitoring on the basis of key indicators established in the Logical Framework, annual work plans and progress reports and by participation in relevant meetings/committees. EU may mount special M&E field evaluations.
Audits and reviews
Financial Verification: Is carried out by the identified audit firm according to EU Financial Regulations, Rules and Directives and Grant Contract Guidelines.
Mid- term Review: A mid-term review of the CS APP was undertaken after 2 years of implementation.
A Final Project Review will : will be carried out by an external review team after completion of the CS APP.
Reportig schedule : The Project Coordinator prepares narrative progress reports every six months, and at an end of project. These are submitted to the EU by the Director General, KALRO. Each of the report consist of a narrative section and a financial section and conforms to the format for reporting on grants from the EU. Each report provides a full account of all aspects of implementation for the period..