About Anglican Development Services North Rift
Anglican Development Services- North Rift Region (ADS-NRR) was established in 1984 as the development arm of the Anglican Church of Kenya, working in the North Rift Diocese. The organization covers the six counties of the North Rift namely, Elgeyo-Marakwet, Nandi, Trans Nzoia, Turkana, Uasin-gishu and West Pokot. Its establishment was a deliberate effort to differentiate development services from the clerical aspects of the Church to achieve clarity and efficiency.
It has a well-established governance structure with a governing Board made up of three representatives from each of the three Anglican Church Diocesan Synods in the region and one from Lodwar missionary area. The Board has effectively steered ADS-NRR from infancy to its current recognition as a major actor in the development of the North Rift.
ADS-NRR is currently supporting community efforts in Food security, Climate Change adaptation and mitigation, Water and sanitation, Disaster Risk Reduction, Humanitarian Response Action, Health, Emergency Response, Peace building and Conflict Transformation.
Projects Implemetation Overview: ADS-NRR is implementing a project titled; “Building Resilience and Enhanced Climate Change Adaptation among Agro-Pastoralists in West Pokot through Camel Milk production”.