Anglican Development Services South Rift (ADSSR)

Anglican Development Services South Rift (ADSSR) is the development arm of the Anglican Church of Kenya, Diocese of Kericho.

It operates in Narok, Kericho, and Bomet Counties covering a population of about three million people in an area of approximately 21,900 square kilometers. The three Counties are mainly inhabited by the Maasai (Narok) and Kalenjins/Kipsigis (Bomet and Kericho) communities with their major towns being cosmopolitan.

Projects Implemetation Overview:

ADSSR is upscaling three value chains namely; a) pasture grass, b) Galla goat, and c) bean value chains. The Galla goat and pasture grass are implemented in Narok while the bean value chain is implemented in Bomet.

The projects are upscaled by establishing demonstration plots that serve as farmer field schools. Farmers assemble at the demonstration plots to learn step-by-step processes of production of pasture and post-harvest activities.

The demonstration farms are managed by selected lead farmers with adequate land and managerial capability to plant different varieties. Individual farmers are trained and they select the variety of pasture they prefer to produce. The aim of the model is to reach a large number of farmers for mass production of pasture.