Upscalling & Implemetation Details:
Ustadi received KES 6,813,000 in January 2022 from AgriFI CS APP to implement a 2-year project titled “Upscaling Agricultural Technologies in Mango Orchard Management to Enhance Productivity and Incomes for Smallholder Farmers in Kilifi, Kenya”. ”. The overall goal of the project is to improve mango productivity and incomes for mango farmers in Kilifi County through the dissemination and upscaling of Integrated Pest Management technologies. This is being achieved through the promotion of Integrated Pest Management techniques for managing fruit flies in mango. Adoption of these technologies by farmers is key, to enable them to increase the yield and quality of their mangoes and participate in the export market. The project is implemented in Kilifi and Malindi Counties. It targets to reach 6,000 farmers. The project ends in March 2024