Upscalling & Implemetation Details:
Icipe received KES 6,813,000 in April 2022 to implement a 2 year project titles; “Production to markets: Scaling up the adoption and implementation of environmentally benign pest management technologies in Makueni County, Kenya”. The overall goal of the project is to improve mango productivity and incomes for farmers in Makueni County through the dissemination and upscaling of Integrated Pest Management technologies. This is being achieved through the promotion of Integrated Pest Management techniques for managing fruit flies in mango. Adoption of these technologies by farmers is key, to enable them to increase the yield and quality of their mangoes. The farmers are being linked to inputs suppliers (for sustainability), commodity markets, and providers of finances. Model farmers are championing the dissemination of technologies in the sub-counties of Makueni and 3000 farmers are expected to directly benefit from and adopt the technologies. The project ends in April 2024.