Upscalling & Implemetation Details:
BCN received KES 6,813,000 in April 2020 to implement a project titled “Upscaling the KALRO Improved Indigenous Chicken (KIIC)”. The project is promoting KIIC technology in Migori and Homa Bay Counties.
The project targets to reach 11,000 farmers. It is disseminating KIIC technology through farmer group approach. Selected brooding sites have been established where day-old chicks are reared for 1 month and then sold to the farmer at cost.
The brooding sites serve as field schools to foster farmer-to-farmer learning to accelerate the adoption of the technology. Thus, more farmers are having easy access to KIIC chicks and are consequently enabled to undertake mass production and commercialization. Plans are underway to establish collection and selling centres for the chicken and eggs.