Sorghum Value Chain Project
Upscalling & Implemetation Details:
Caritas Kitui received KES 6,813,000 in March 2020 to implement a 2-year project titled “Dissemination of Sorghum KM 32-1 for Production and Commercialization by Farmers for Food and Income Generation in Kitui and Makueni Counties”.
The project was implemented in Kitui( Mwingi North sub-county, Kyuso-kyome and Ngomeni wards) and Makueni (Kibwezi East - Masongaleli, Nzambani & Mutito Andei wards). The project worked with farmer groups that were trained on benefits on sorghum and managements practices. The project targeted to reach 4,000 farmers directly and 10,000 farmers indirectly.