Upscalling & Implemetation Details:
Support for Tropical Initiatives in
Poverty Alleviation received KES 6,813,000 to implement a 2-year bean value
chain project titled; “The project is upscaling three new high nutrient-rich
and high yielding bean varieties (Angaza, Nyota, and Faida) to smallholder
farmers in Kisumu, Siaya and Vihiga Counties”. The overall objective of
the project was to increase the adoption and production of improved bean
varieties in order to improve food security, nutrition, and income. The project
targeted to reach 1,350 farmers directly and 8,100 indirectly.
The project was promoting the production
of tradeable volumes with plans to establish collection/aggregation centers for
the collective marketing of beans through contracts with buyers. The project ended in March 2022.